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Semantic Web


Semantic Web
W3C Semantic Web
Semantic Web Definition
Scientific American: The Semantic Web
The Semantic Web
Thinking about the Semantic Web
The Semantic Web Expressing Meaning
Semantic Web Services
Introduction to Semantic Web Technologies
The Semantic Web : An Introduction

Web Resources

Resource Semantics
A tool to generalize the Semantic Web
Semantic web design -Web design tips
Semantic Web
The Basic Semantic Web Language (BSWL)


STEP 3: DAML+OIL - a modern Semantic Web Language
A data standard in semantic web
How RDF will change learning technology
W3C Delivers Standards for the Semantic Web
Making a Semantic Web


Semantic Web on the respective Roles of XML and RDF
Challenges for a Semantic Web
Bringing Semantics to Web Services
Semantic Web to Take Center Stage at WWW2004
Semantic Web Services Language Requirements
Composition and Semantic enHancEment of Web services
What is the Semantic Web ?
Semantic Web "Definition"
Agents on the Semantic Web
Towards a large scale Semantic Web
W3C Wraps Up Semantic Web Standards
Migrating Thesauri to the Semantic Web
Dublin Core and Semantic Web, all about organizing meta data.
Semantic Web: Information From
Meaning and the Semantic Web
Semantic Web Engineering
Deep Integration of Ruby with Semantic Web Ontologies
WSDL on the Semantic Web - slide "Semantic (Web) Services)"
Prototype a semantic web.
A Proposal for a Semantic Web Service Description Format
A Metadata Registry for the Semantic Web
Preparing for Semantic Web Services [XML, XSLT & Web Services]
Ann Apps :Research and Development: Digital Library
Ontologies and the Semantic Web
Semantic Web Services